Sponsor Ramadan Iftar Dinner (Sat - Sun only)

The total cost of the Iftar-Dinner is $2,000. You can contribute partially by joining other sponsors with $500. You are welcome to donate any amount, with a minimum contribution of $100. Alternatively, you may arrange or bring your own food, subject to approval by ICSR Management. Please call/text Br. Habib Hassan 908-906-6611
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Select Ramadan available dates (subject to change)
Saturday, March 15th, is reserved. Please note that your selected date is subject to confirmation by ICSR Management and is not guaranteed by the automated payment confirmation receipt
Select Iftar-Dinner Sponsor Amount
Note: Self arranged food is subject to approval by the ICSR Management. Agreement email will be sent to finalize details.
ICSR Administration reserves the right to adjust Iftar-Dinner sponsored amount on other dates if need be. Jazzak Allahu Khairan for you donation.
Full Name
Your receipt will be emailed, Please provide your email address.